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Upcoming ANZBP Events

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National Biosolids Conference 2025

Icon of a calendar17 Mar, 2025 – 18 Mar, 2025|Small clock icon8:30am – 5:00pm AEST|Icon of a map pinHotel Grand Chancellor Hobart

The biennial National Biosolids Conference is heading to Hobart in 2025. Held over two days, this conference will examine key developments in the industry, focusing on the role of industry, regulators, and the community as champions for sustainable biosolids management and end-use. The future of biosolids is filled with both challenges and opportunities.

Under this years theme, Biosolids: Future Possibilities, the conference aims to empower participants to embrace the uncertainties ahead. By shifting the focus from potential obstacles to the vast possibilities within the biosolids sector, presentations will highlight the significant contributions that biosolids can make to the circular economy. 

National Biosolids 2025 Program

Event Details
Conference & Exhibition:

Date 17 Mar, 2025 – 18 Mar, 2025
Venue Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart
Address 1 Davey St, Hobart TAS 7000

Ticket Prices

Please note all ticket prices include GST.
* Early Bird Rate is available until Tuesday, 4 February, 2025


Discounted accommodation rates are available at The Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart on Sunday 16 to Wednesday 19 March. To book, please use the link below.

  • Conference City Side Room $260 per night
  • Conference Harbour View Room $ 310 per night

Rates are room only for single occupancy and do not include breakfast. Discount rates will be available until 13 February 2025 or sold out. From 13 Februaury, pending availability, the Hotel will quote best available rates. Please note these discounted rates required to be guaranteed by credit card. Cancellations are accpeted free of charge until 7 days prior to arrival. Any cancellations after this time, of if you fail to arrive on the day, you will incur full accommodation charges.

For more information, please contact:

Conference & Event
Verina Galdas, Event Manager | Ph: 02 9467 0055 | E: vgaldas@awa.asn.au 

Michael Silber, Exhibition Manager | Ph: 02 9467 8428 | E:msilber@awa.asn.au 

Troy Waite, Partnerships Manager | Ph: 0418 404 692 | E: twaite@awa.asn.au 

Paul Darvodelsky Scholarship
Locus Liu, Project Office, ANZBP | Ph: 02 9467 8407 | E: lliu@awa.asn.au 

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ANZBP – Lunch & Learn Webinar Series August 2024

Icon of a calendar13 August, 2023|Small clock icon12:00pm – 1:00pm AEST|Icon of a map pinZoom

Join us for the upcoming ANZBP Lunch and Learn Webinar in August 2024.

This insightful session is themed,  Risk Management of Biosolids. This event brings together industry experts and academic researchers to share practical and research-based perspectives on managing the functionalities and complexities of biogas and biosolids systems.

Our speakers will be Peter Donaghy, General Manager Resource Recovery, Environmental and Industrial at Urban Utilities. and Andre Le Roux, Stantec’s Technical Director for Bioresources, UK.

Applying Process Safety Principle to the management of complex biogas and biosolids systems

Peter Donaghy, Urban Utilities

Peter is a Water Industry Leader with experience at senior management and professional levels in operations, infrastructure delivery and business management. He is passionate about creating a sustainable water industry that is embedded and part of our community and developing a continuous improvement culture that focuses on value creation. Dedicated to delivering business, people and environmental outcomes, Peter is a former member of the ANZBP committee.

Operations and Maintenance Approaches and Issues in Advanced Technologies in Biosolids Treatment (UK Perspective)

Andre Le Roux, Stantec, UK

Andre has experience with Industrial wastewater treatment, advanced anaerobic digestion, food waste digestion, and high-rate industrial anaerobic digestion. He helps clients increase renewable energy generation and optimize alternative biofuels.

This Lunch & Learn is free for ANZBP Partners – if you are unsure if your organization is an ANZPB partner you can check here: https://www.biosolids.com.au/advisory-committee/partners/


AWA Members & Non-Members

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ANZBP – Lunch & Learn Webinar Series May 2024

Icon of a calendar14 May, 2024|Small clock icon12:00 pm – 1:00 pm AEST|Icon of a map pinZoom

Join us for the upcoming ANZBP Lunch & Learn in May 2024 to hear from George Mercer of the ARC Training Centre for the Transformation of Australia’s Biosolids Resource, and David Hall, a highly respected agronomist with over 30 years’ experience specialising in crop nutrition, organics and soil health. George and David will present on topics related to Biosolids for Soil Health.

George Mercer from ARC Training Centre for the Transformation of Australia’s Biosolids Resource will be speaking on  the topic “Can transformed biosolids build stable soil carbon?”
George will show us how soil carbon pools respond to wastewater-derived organic amendments including biochar, compost and dried biosolids. He demonstrates the relationships between the microbial carbon pump, soil nutrients and plant productivity in a three-experiment timeline to optimise the functional delivery of transformed biosolids to land.

Bill Hyem and Andrew Bremmer from AgriProve will present on “Growing Top Soils: Profitability, Productivity, Sustainability”. Zooming out, Bill will explain what producers are looking for in terms of soil health and increasing soil carbon, the role of biosolids/organics in achieving this aim, and the role AgriProve and soil carbon credits play in supporting this aim.

These presentations will followed by Q&A sessions afterwards. We look forward to seeing you in the webinar.

Meet your presenters:

Can transformed biosolids build stable soil carbon?

George Mercer

PhD Student and Tim Healey Memorial Scholar
The University of Western Australia and ARC Training Centre for the Transformation of Australia’s Biosolids Resource

George’s interests surround microbial systems, agro-ecology, waste-to-resource, and his research focuses on building soil carbon with biosolids, a by-product of the wastewater treatment process. More specifically, he is investigating how transformed organic amendments can be used to functionalise microbial mechanisms that generate stable soil organic matter.

Growing Top Soils: Profitability, Productivity, Sustainability

Bill Hyem

AgriFutures Horizon Scholar Alumni (2020), Australian National University Graduate and Key Account Manager at AgriProve

Andrew Bremner

National Innovation Manager at AgriProve

A recipient of an AgriFutures Australia Horizon Scholarship in 2020, Bill Hyem is focused on pursuing opportunities to increase sustainability and profitability in agriculture through technological innovations. Bill works with Australian landholders to start soil carbon projects that encourage the use of new technologies and practices for increased sustainability and profitability.


This Lunch & Learn is free for ANZBP Partners – if you are unsure if your organization is an ANZPB partner you can check here: https://www.biosolids.com.au/advisory-committee/partners/


AWA Members & Non-Members

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ANZBP – Lunch & Learn Webinar Series February 2024

Icon of a calendar21 Feb, 2024|Small clock icon10:00 am – 11:00 am AEDT|Icon of a map pinZoom

Join us for an extra special ANZBP Lunch and Learn Webinar with our guest speakers from Canada and the USA!

Professor Grant Clark (Canada) will outline how he leads the Ecological Engineering Research Group, investigating nature-based technologies for responsible civilisations on small planets.  More than 750,000 dry metric tons of sewage sludge are produced annually in Canada. Instead of landfilling or incinerating the sludge, it is increasingly processed into biosolids and applied to agricultural fields as organic fertiliser. We often assume that the greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) resulting from this practice are net-negative, but this has not been well studied. To help address this research gap, Grant conducted field experiments at sites in Truro (Nova Scotia), Montreal (Quebec), and Edmonton (Alberta). Sewage sludge was either anaerobically digested, composted, or alkaline stabilized.

Janine Burke-Wells and Ned Beecher (USA) from North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) will discuss how water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) manage their “waste” solids can have a major impact on their total net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This presentation will introduce the Biosolids Emissions Assessment Model (BEAM), a calculator tool for getting a handle on your WRRF’s biosolids management GHG emissions.  BEAM*2022 can be used to estimate and compare carbon emissions from up to 10 biosolids management options. Several examples will be cited, showing how using the BEAM can help WRRFs better understand the factors that have the greatest impacts on GHG emissions. Links to key resources and the BEAM*2022 will be provided.

These presentations will followed by Q&A sessions afterwards. We look forward to seeing you in the webinar.

Meet your presenters:

Be Careful What You Ask For: A Wholistic Comparison of Emissions from Biosolids Recycling

Grant Clark, Associate Professor, Department of Bioresource Engineering, McGill University

Grant grew up on a mixed farm in Central Alberta, Canada. He holds an industry-cooperative BSc in Agricultural Engineering (Alberta) and a PhD in Biosystems Engineering (McGill).

He is an Associate Professor of Bioresource Engineering at McGill University, where he leads the Ecological Engineering Research Group. He is an affiliate member of McGill’s Bieler School of Environment and the Trottier Institute for Sustainable Engineering and Design, and a Past President of the Canadian Society for Bioengineering.

His research group has a special interest in the circularization of carbon and nutrient flows through food production and organic waste management systems. They are currently involved in several multi-institutional studies of the carbon footprint of municipal organic waste management operations.

BEAM — Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Biosolids Management

Janine Burke-Wells, Executive Director, North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA)

Ned Beecher, Independent Consultant on Biosolids and Residuals Management, Research, and Policy, Tamworth, NH, USA

Janine is the Executive Director of the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association. Prior to joining NEBRA, Janine worked as a public servant for over three decades – 10 years with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and over 20 years in local government where she managed the wastewater systems in two different communities in Rhode Island.

Ms. Burke-Wells has a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Rhode Island and a Master of Public Administration from North-eastern University. She represents the State of Rhode Island to New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.

Ned was Executive Director of NEBRA from 1998 to June 2022 then Special Projects Manager tracking research, legislation, and regulations, and providing information to members and the public, authoring articles and papers and making presentations on biosolids management around North America. Since January 2017, he has focused much of his work, on PFAS, and most recently, on leading the National Biosolids Data Project.  

He is now mostly retired, but provides some limited consulting. He received the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) Biosolids Management Award in 2015 and the Elizabeth A. Cutone Leadership Award in 2020.  He has an MS in Resource Management from Antioch University and a BA in Geology from Amherst College.  

This Lunch & Learn is free for ANZBP Partners – if you are unsure if your organization is an ANZPB partner you can check here: https://www.biosolids.com.au/advisory-committee/partners/


AWA Members & Non-Members

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ANZBP – Lunch & Learn Webinar Series October 2023

Icon of a calendar31 Oct, 2023|Small clock icon12:00pm – 1:00pm AEDT|Icon of a map pinZoom

Join us for a webinar on Tuesday, 31 October 2023 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm AEDT, to hear about Taupo District Council’s journey into land disposal of treated effluent and in more recent years treated biosolids via worm farming. And vermicomposting biosolids in New Zealand comes with a unique set of opportunities and challenges. The presentation will including Regulation and Compliance; Environmental Impact; Odour Control; Market Demand; Education and Awareness;  Quality Control; Infrastructure and Technology; Risk Management and  Long-Term Sustainability. Followed by an Q&A session.

Taupo Land Disposal 25 Years On

Mr. Kevin Sears, Operations Manager 3 Waters, Taupo District Council

Kevin has been working in three waters operations for more than 30 years with almost 25 of those years at Taupo District Council.

He holds a New Zealand Diploma in Wastewater, Water and Business Management and he is a certified Water Industry Professional in NZ.

In 2017 he was presented the Mentor of the Year Award in recognition of his long-term commitment to training and mentoring others in the industry.

From Challenges to Solutions: A New Zealand Perspective on Industrial Vermicomposting of Municipal Biosolids

Dr. agr. Michael Quintern, Independent Consultant – Presenting on behalf of Noke Limited

Michael received his PhD in “Beneficial Utilisation of Organic Waste on Farmland” in soil science at the University of Kassel ( Germany). He worked for several years as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Soil Science on soil fertility in organic farming.

In 2006, Michael moved to New Zealand to work as a senior scientist at Scion, a Crown Research Institute, to develop a solution for organic wastes from the pulp & paper industry. He developed a solution for industrial vermicomposting of biosolids, food, and paper industry waste, founding Noke Ltd. in 2007. The vermicomposting operation has grown to be the largest globally. To date, MyNoke has diverted more than 1.3 million tonnes of organic waste, including more than 250,000 t biosolids, from landfills in New Zealand, with more than 140,000 tonnes being diverted annually.

Implementing Research & Development and Innovation into the vermicomposting business model was crucial for sustainable growth. Integrating vermicomposting into farm management and improving windrow management mitigated environmental effects and increased profitability. Michael has worked with councils and industries on tailored vermicomposting technologies for specific organic waste streams.

This Lunch & Learn is free for ANZBP Partners – if you are unsure if your organization is an ANZPB partner you can check here: https://www.biosolids.com.au/advisory-committee/partners/


AWA Members & Non-Members

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ANZBP – Lunch & Learn Webinar Series August 2023

Icon of a calendar16 Aug, 2023|Small clock icon12:00pm – 1:00pm AEST|Icon of a map pinZoom


Join us on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 from 12:00 pm to 1.00 pm AEST, for this webinar to hear from our presenters about plastic pollution in biosolids and harvesting valuable resources from industrial wastewater.

Agricultural soils and plastic pollution: Are biosolids the problem?

Dr Elvis Okoffo, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences (QAEHS), The University of Queensland

Dr Okoffo completed his PhD at QAEHS in 2021, focusing on developing quantitative analytical methods to measure (mass-based concentration) and provide an understanding of plastic residues in Australian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) biosolids, and subsequent releases into the Australian environment. Dr Okoffo’s current research focuses on developing novel sampling approaches and analytical techniques for monitoring plastic residues (microplastics, nanoplastics and microbioplastics) in environmental samples.

Harvesting valuable resources from industrial wastewater.

Associate Professor Caitlin Byrt, ANU College of Science

Caitlin Byrt is an Associate Professor with the ANU working on investigating how plants achieve energy efficient precision membrane separation. Caitlin serves as Deputy Director (Research) of the Australian Research Council Future Crops Centre and as co-Director of Membrane Transporter Engineers Pty Ltd. The knowledge that Caitlin and team gain from studying plant molecular membrane separation is being applied to improving crop performance and designing systems for separating valuable resources from industrial wastewater. This current research project is being developed in collaboration with CSIRO through the inaugural Agri-Food Collaboration Program (AFCP), and includes a team of researchers from ANU and CSIRO Agriculture & Food and Manufacturing.

This Lunch & Learn is free for ANZBP Partners – if you are unsure if your organization is an ANZPB partner you can check here: https://www.biosolids.com.au/advisory-committee/partners/


AWA Members & Non-Members

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ANZBP – Lunch & Learn Webinar Series June 2023

Icon of a calendar14 Jun, 2023|Small clock icon12:00pm – 1:00pm AEST|Icon of a map pinZoom


Join us to hear from our presenters about interactions between microbial communities in biosolid-amended soils and how we keep PFAS out of reclaimed waters and biosolids.

When two tribes go to War: Interactions Between Microbial Communities in Biosolid-Amended Soils
Dr Cameron Reid, CSIRO Early Research Career Fellow

Cameron is a computational biologist within the Microbiomes for One Systems Health Future Science Platform at CSIRO. His research is focused on understanding how microbes mediate the benefit of biosolids to soils and crops, and how organic pollutants in wastewater might affect this function. Insights developed from his research could be harnessed to develop microbe-focused technologies that boost the benefits of biosolids and ameliorate risks associated with organic pollutants

How Do We Keep PFAS out of Reclaimed Waters and Biosolids
Dr Mark Bowman, Technical Director Contamination Assessment and Remediation, GHD 

Dr Mark Bowman is a recognised scientist, innovator, and leader driving change for an environment safe from contaminants. Mark was the National Technical Director for the Australian Department of Defence’s contamination programs and previously led teams in the national environmental regulator the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water delivering chemical environmental impact assessments and policy.

Mark is currently a GHD Technical Director within the Contamination Service line in Sydney where he supports a range of government and private sector clients responding to chemicals in the environment including the impacts of PFAS on soil and water.

This Lunch & Learn is free for ANZBP Partners – if you are unsure if your organization is an ANZPB partner you can check here: https://www.biosolids.com.au/advisory-committee/partners/


AWA Members & Non-Members

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ANZBP – Lunch & Learn Webinar Series: PFAS and NEMP 3.0 Legal Implications and the Recycled Organics Circular Economy

Icon of a calendar5 Apr, 2023|Small clock icon12:00pm – 1:00pm AEST|Icon of a map pinZoom

Join us to hear from our presenters about NEMP 3.0 legal implications and PFAS & the recycled Organics Circular Economy.

Legal Implications of PFAS Regulation: Too Much, Too Soon?
Ross Fox, Principal Accredited Specialist, Planning and Environment Law, Fishburn Watson O’Brien 

Ross Fox Headshot

Ross Fox is a Principal of Fishburn Watson O’Brien Lawyers and an Accredited Specialist in Planning and Environment Law. Prior to this, Ross was a principal lawyer for the NSW and worked closely with the EPA executive and CEO to develop and implement the EPA’s regulatory strategy. Ross takes a multidisciplinary approach and holds a Masters in Environmental Management. Ross now acts for a range of leading private sector and government clients in the resource recovery, liquid waste and biosolids sector. His unique expertise means he is regularly retained by key industry associations including the Waste Contractors and Recyclers Association (WCRA) and Australian Organics Recycling Association (AORA). Ross also regularly advises on environmental matters and obtaining planning approvals for waste infrastructure across NSW, Victoria and QLD.

PFAS and the Recycled Organics Circular Economy 
Dr Matthew Askeland, Business Unit Manager (Emerging Contaminants), ADE Consulting Group

Matt Askeland Headshot

Matthew Askeland presently heads ADE’s Consulting Groups Emerging Contaminants, Treatment Remediation and Research (ECTRR) business unit. Matthew has been active in the consultancy sector as a contaminated site specialist, where he holds key expertise in the delivery of contaminated land and water solutions, including site characterisation, risk assessment and remediation. Over the past number of years Matthew has been focused on tackling multiple elements within the PFAS risk management practice. These include site characterisation, risk mitigation, development and implementation of new PFAS management tools (treatment technologies and analytical tools), and the deployment of effective management strategies for both legacy and ongoing PFAS impacts. Matthew has a particular interest in management of PFAS and other contaminants within the circular economy

Event Details
Date Wednesday 5 April. 2023
Time 12:00pm to 1:00pm AEST
Venue Webinar – Online 
Webinar Link A Webinar link will be distributed to registered attendees 24 hours prior – please ensure you diarise for now!

For more information please contact:
Minh Duc Nguyen, Project Officer, ANZBP
E: mducnguyen@awa.asn.au 

Bridget Masters, Event Manager
Ph: 02 9436 0055 | E: bmasters@awa.asn.au

This Lunch & Learn is free for ANZBP Partners – if you are unsure if your organization is an ANZPB partner you can check here: https://www.biosolids.com.au/advisory-committee/partners/


AWA Members & Non-Members

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ANZBP National Biosolids Conference 2023

Icon of a calendar8 Feb, 2023 – 9 Feb, 2023|Small clock icon8:30am – 5:00pm AEST|Icon of a map pinAerial, University of Technology, Sydney

The biennial Australian & New Zealand Biosolids Partnership’s National Biosolids Conference is returning to Sydney in 2023, with the theme Champions for SustainabilityHeld over two days, this conference will examine key developments in the industry with a focus on the role of industry, regulators and community as champions for sustainable biosolids management and end-use.

  Download Program

Event Details
Conference & Exhibition:

Date Wednesday 8 & Thursday 9 February 2023
Venue Aerial, University of Technology, Sydney
Address Level 7/235 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007

Ticket Prices

Registration Type 



Early Bird


Early Bird


Full Registration All-day catering + conference dinner





One Day Registration Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for one day only + option to purchase a ticket to the conference dinner





Concession/Student Full RegistrationAll-day catering + conference dinner





Post Event Site Tour
Malabar Wastewater Treatment Plant
Friday 10th February, 8:30 am – 11 am



*Early Bird registration is available until Friday, 6 January 2023.



Sydney Accommodation
To help with booking your stay in the Harbour City, Accommodation Link has secured great rates and provided a quick and easy process for you to book your room.

Book Accommodation


For more information, please contact:

Sally Lorraine, Event Manager | Ph: 02 9467 0055 | E: slorraine@awa.asn.au  

Paul Darvodelsky Scholarship
Duc Nguyen, Project Office, ANZBP | Ph: 02 9467 8422 | E: mducnguyen@awa.asn.au 

Rebecca Newman, Head of Events, Awards and Digital (acting) | Ph: 02 9467 8431 |
E: rnewnham@awa.asn.au
Download the Sponsorship Prospectuses 

Trade Exhibition
Stephen Comey, Senior Exhibition Manager | Ph: 02 9467 8406 | E: scomey@awa.asn.au

ANZBP Webinar_HUBSPOT BANNER_1058X276px-1ANZBP – Lunch & Learn Webinar Series: PFAS and Biosolids

Icon of a calendar14 Oct, 2022|Small clock icon12:00pm – 1:00pm AEDT|Icon of a map pinZoom
Join us and hear from our presenters about the PFAS and biosolids – Understanding PFAS in our environment and updates on the National Environment Management Plan (NEMP 3.0).

Understanding PFAS in our Environment – Opportunities to Enable Conversations About Risk
Jen Martin, FACTRA – Technical Director – Risk Assessment, Arcadis Australia Pacific 

Jen Martin is a Technical Director who has recently joined Arcadis with over 17 years’ experience in human health and ecological risk assessment. She has a strong interest in enabling research projects and programs to target proportionate risk assessment that can enable operational outcomes. In this capacity she is an industry supervisor to a PhD project developing integrated intake-PBPK models for livestock exposure to PFAS. She was formerly a member of the National Chemicals Working Group sub-committee for biosolids during her employment at EPA Victoria.


PFAS and Biosolids – Update to the PFAS National Environment Management Plan (PFAS NEMP)​
Dr Shaun Thomas (BSc Hons, PhD)
Principal Adviser Wastewater – South Australian Environment Protection Authority

Shaun has 18 years of experience at the EPA in a number of roles and has worked in both environmental risk assessment and, more recently, regulation of a range of wastewater focused industries. This has included licensing of municipal wastewater treatment facilities and oversight of processes enabling beneficial reuse of different waste streams (recycled water & biosolids). In addition, Shaun has been a member of the National Chemicals Working Group under HEPA, which has prepared the PFAS National Environment Management Plan 2.0, is leading some of the water-focused work going into the next version of the PFAS NEMP.

Event Details
Date Friday 14 October, 2022
Time 12:00pm to 1:00pm AEDT
Venue Webinar – Online 
Webinar Link A Webinar link will be distributed to registered attendees 24 hours prior – please ensure you diarise for now!

For more information please contact:
Minh Duc Nguyen, Project Officer, ANZBP
E: mducnguyen@awa.asn.au 

Bridget Masters, Event Manager
Ph: 02 9436 0055 | E: bmasters@awa.asn.au



AWA Members, Non-Members and Students

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ANZBP Webinar_HUBSPOT BANNER_1058X276px-1ANZBP Biosolids Series – Lunch & Learn Webinar: Biosolids Benefit Agriculture

Icon of a calendar19 Aug, 2022 – 19 Aug, 2022|Small clock icon10:30am – 12:00pm AEST|Icon of a map pinZoom

The Australian Water Association (AWA) and Australian New Zealand Biosolids Partnership (ANZBP) Biosolids webinar series continue with a discussion about research into biosolid land applications and the opportunity for ANZBP to work more closely with agronomists and soil scientists to develop solutions. 

Speakers will present their ideas and insights on how biosolids can benefit agriculture, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session. Join us to hear from experts and develop your understanding and appreciation for the opportunities that are emerging between the biosolid and agricultural industries.


1. Soil health benefits and regulations of biosolids use – Hilary Hall & Doris Blaesing, RMCG
2. Taking Advantage From Nutrient Cycling Biosolids – Glenn Dale, Verterra


  • Glenn Dale, Managing Director, Verterra
  • Hilary Hall, Senior Consultant, RMCG
  • Doris Blaesing, Associate, RMCG
  • Jeff Kraak, Program Manager, Fertilizer Australia
  • Peter Wadewitz OAM, Managing Director, Peats Soil & Garden Supplies
  • Adam Hamer, Farmer and biosolids user

Event Details

Date Friday 19 August 2022
Time 10:30am to 12:00pm AEST
Venue Webinar – Online 
Webinar Link A Webinar link will be distributed to registered attendees 24 hours prior – please ensure you diarise for now!

For more information please contact:
Minh Duc Nguyen, Project Officer, ANZBP
E: mducnguyen@awa.asn.au 

Bridget Masters, Event Manager
Ph: 02 9436 0055 | E: bmasters@awa.asn.au


AWA Members, Non-Members and Students

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ANZBP Webinar_HUBSPOT BANNER_1058X276px-1ANZBP Biosolids Series – Lunch & Learn Webinar

Icon of a calendar8 Jul, 2022 – 8 Jul, 2022|Small clock icon12:00pm – 1:00pm AEST|Icon of a map pinZoom

The Australian Water Association (AWA) and Australian New Zealand Biosolids Partnership (ANZBP) Biosolids webinars continue with presentations on Logan Water’s first biosolid gastification facility and biosolids management using free nitrous acid. 

Johanna Johnson

johanna higher reso
Presentation: Biosolids to Biochar – Circular economy in action
Johanna Johnson is the Sustainability Solutions Lead for Logan City Council. Utilising her background in science and integrated water management, she specialises in projects around carbon and renewable energy like biosolids gastification.

Zhiyao Wang

Presentation: Improving biosolids management using free nitrous acid and
post-anerobic aerobic digestion
Zhiyao obtained her PhD in 2021 from the University of Queensland. In 2021, she won the AWA Student Water Prize for her PhD work in energy and resources recovery from wastewater and sludge. Zhiyao is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Queensland, continuing to promote sustainable development of water industries through fundamental science and innovative technologies.

Event Details

Date Friday 8 July 2022
Time 12:00pm to 1:00pm AEST
Venue Webinar – Online 
Webinar Link A Webinar link with a unique login will be distributed to registered attendees 24 hours prior – please ensure you diarise for now!

For more information please contact: 
Bridget Masters, Event Manager
Ph: 02 9467 8422 | E: bmasters@awa.asn.au



AWA Members, Non-Members and Students

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ANZBP Member Registration

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ANZBP Biosolids Member Meeting at Ozwater’22

ANZBP members are invited to attend the upcoming ANZBP Member Meeting at Ozwater’22 in Brisbane. The Member Meeting will be hosted by the ANZBP Advisory Committee and all ANZBP members are invited to join.

Come along and meet the ANZBP Advisory Committee members for an update on ANZBP’s 2021/22 activities and help shape our priorities for 2022/23 (you don’t need to be attending Ozwater to join).

Meeting Details:

Date: Wednesday, 11 May2022

Time: 12:30pm – 1.15pm (AEST)

Location: Boardroom 2, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Cnr Merivale St & Glenelg St

Please RSVP here by 9 May: https://australianwater.wufoo.com/forms/qt0rec60wb9qsg/

(Note for Ozwater delegates, please collect your lunch within the Ozwater Exhibition and make your way to Boardroom 2)


ANZBP Webinar_HUBSPOT BANNER_1058X276px-1ANZBP Biosolids Webinar Series

Icon of a calendar22 Mar, 2022 – 29 Mar, 2022|Small clock icon10:30am – 12.00pm AEST|Icon of a map pinA Webinar link with a unique login will be distributed to registered attendees 24 hours prior

The Australian Water Association (AWA) and Australian New Zealand Biosolids Partnership (ANZBP) Biosolids  Webinar will be held over two days in March.

This webinar series will examine key developments across areas of the water industry and drive discussion, debates and collaboration which will help set the future direction for these specialisms.

The webinar series will bring together experts from the Biosolids arena with an emphasis on problem sharing and solving.

See below the event details and exciting list of speakers!

  See Speaker Biographies    Download Program

Event Details – Day 1

Date Tuesday 22nd March 2022
Time 10:30am to 12:00pm AEDST
Venue Webinar – Online 
Webinar Link A Webinar link with a unique login will be distributed to registered attendees 24 hours prior – please ensure you diarise for now!

Day 1 – Register Here

Event Details – Day 2

Date Tuesday 29th March 2022
Time 10:30am to 12:00pm AEDST
Venue Webinar – Online 
Webinar Link A Webinar link with a unique login will be distributed to registered attendees 24 hours prior – please ensure you diarise for now!

Day 2 – Register Here


For more information please contact: 
Sarah Ivanoff, Event Manager
Ph: 02 9467 8422 | E: sivanoff@awa.asn.au



ANZBP Webinar_HUBSPOT BANNER_1058X276px-1ANZBP Biosolids Webinar February 2022

Join us online to hear from our presenters about quantifying microbial risks from the use of Sydney Water’s biosolids and biosolids application on manuka growth and soil chemistry.

The ANZBP Lunch&Learn is free for ANZBP Partners – if you are unsure if your organisation is an ANZPB partner you can check here: https://www.biosolids.com.au/advisory-committee/partners/

February’s Lunch&Learn you will hear from the following presenters:

Dr Daniel Deere

Dr Daniel Deere

Presentation: Modernising the assessment and management of microbial risks from biosolids – national perspectives and a Sydney Water case study

Co-authors: Dr Peter Cox, Dr Vicky Whiffin, Dr Kaye Power, Dr Peter Beatson, Dr Sudhi Payyappat, Dr Susan Petterson, Judith Winder, Guy Ohandja, Jenny Fisher, Dr Jennifer Lun and Prof Peter White.

This presentation will summarise work undertaken by a multi-discipline team from Sydney Water and other partners between 2013 and 2018. The work applied modern microbiological test methods to monitor microorganisms in biosolids from five representative wastewater treatment works, covering a range of biosolids types (e.g. primary and secondary; aerobic and anaerobic). Exposures to biosolids were estimated to enable the assessment of microbial risks to workplace health and safety and public health for commonly exposed persons. Groups considered included truck drivers, farm, mine and council workers, and members of the public influenced by consuming food crops, aerosols and runoff into drinking water. Recommended on site controls were proposed, where relevant, to mitigate risks to within benchmark levels. Priorities for further research and investigation were highlighted.


Dr Maria J Gutierrez Gines

Presentation: Effect Of Biosolids Application On Manuka Growth And Soil Chemistry

We aimed to determine the optimal rate and type of application of biosolids for growing Leptospermum scoparium (mānuka), an economically important plant in New Zealand. Two greenhouse experiments in pots and in rhizoboxes showed that amending low fertility soil with biosolids increased the growth of mānuka, with an optimal growth at 16 – 48 t/ha. Higher application rate (~140 t/ha) was detrimental for mānuka growth, and at ~280 t/ha plants died. The type of application did not affect the growth of mānuka either its nutrient status. However, heavy metals accumulated in the soil and foliage when biosolids were mixed in the soil.

Event Details

Date Thursday 24th February 2022
Time 12:00pm to 1:00pm AEDST
Venue Webinar – Online 
Webinar Link https://www.awa.asn.au/upcoming-events/anzbp-lunch-and-learn

Want to list your event?

To list an event please contact the ANZBP Program Manager.

National Environmental Management Plan on PFAS NEMP 3.0 submission


Australian & New Zealand Biosolids Partnership (ANZBP) has submitted its submission on the Draft PFAS NEMP 3.0 for consultation. We acknowledge ANZBP Advisory Committee for their time and commitment over the past months to produce this extensive and collaborative submission. We worked in consultation with our members and other water… Continue

Welcome to the Biosolids Research Exchange!


The Research Exchange is a hub for you to share your latest research, at whatever stage you are at, with other ANZBP members. You can share your findings, request support, funding or data, and engage in collaboration with fellow members in order to progress knowledge in the sector. Simply email… Continue


Exchange 3


Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Continue


Exchange 2


Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Continue


Exchange 1


Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Continue